Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Creating a little Craft Corner

When I returned from London, I was ready to do some major spring rearranging at the shop. I had so much fun moving furniture around and creating this little "craft corner" in the back of the shop. It features coloring books, rubber stamps, ink pads, envelopes, embroidery kits, and things to decorate with.
These fantastic rubber stamps are made in Seagrove, NC. The embroidery kits are made in Canada, and are extremely detailed and unusual! My favorite part may be the carpet though.. When Nested moved out of this space, Jenny left me all of her carpet samples. I hoarded them for awhile, always planning to stitch them together into a rug for myself. However, I live in a carpeted apartment, and I realized they really should be out enjoying the light of day. Half a roll of hot pink duct tape later and voila! A sampler rug, perfect for taking "shoefies" on!

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